Meet the Ministry of Defence (MOD) team, the RFCA Reform team, supporting the modernisation of the UK’s 13 RFCAs.
The RFCA Reform Team’s role is to help put all RFCAs on a more sustainable footing by incorporating them within a single Non-Departmental Public Body (NDPB) that will continue to deliver regionally-focussed support on behalf of Defence.
Working in partnership with the Council of RFCAs, its aim is to create an organisation with clear legal, financial and governance structures to enable better scrutiny by the MOD’s permanent secretary in his role as principal accounting officer.
The reform is in response to the findings of a review of RFCAs carried out by the MOD in 2019 following concerns from the National Audit Office that some Government departments’ oversight of their Arm’s Length Bodies was insufficient.
The team met with the RFCA for Yorkshire and the Humber’s senior management team as well as members of staff as part of a series of visits to all 13 RFCAs.
“The reforms are about bringing RFCAS into line with structures and governance arrangements that are now the norm across Government Departments and their Arm’s Length Bodies” said Natalie.
“While these changes will require primary legislation to be implemented, they will have very little impact in practical terms on what the RFCAs deliver on the ground. The regional activity the RFCAs deliver in support of Defence and relationships they deliver in local communities on behalf of the military will be unaffected and continue to be highly valued at all levels.”
Jason Wright said: “We’re very appreciative of the time the team spent getting to know a little bit about the work we do here in Yorkshire and the Humber. Staff were also very grateful that the team took the time to travel to brief us in person on the current position. We look forward to future updates.”
More information about the reform is here.