The RFCA will be showcasing the activities of cadets as well as promoting the Armed Forces Covenant at the Great Yorkshire Show next month (July).
The agricultural show in Harrogate is one of the biggest community events in the country and attracts many thousands of visitors each year.
This year it will run from Tuesday July 12 until Friday July 15 and the RFCA will be in the military village which is by the Gold Gate entrance.
Calendar highlight
“The Great Yorkshire Show is a major highlight in the region’s calendar and attracts huge numbers of families who come as visitors as well as the many national and regional businesses who attend as stallholders,” said the RFCA’s head of engagement Phil Walton.
“It’s a fantastic place to promote the cadets and give visitors a taste of the activities cadets do in their units. This year, we’ll also be promoting the Armed Forces Covenant, showing businesses and organisations how they can make a pledge to treat the military fairly by signing up to the Covenant online.”

Beating the Retreat
The RFCA will be joined by cadets from Astrea Dearne Academy in Barnsley and their instructors.
It will be co-hosting a Beating the Retreat reception with The Yorkshire Regiment at the showground on Wednesday evening attended by civic, business and community leaders.